Friday, June 22, 2007

Are we ready for this?

As you know from our Flickr account, we just got back from a trip to the UK and Cyprus. The travels were grand, we had a lovely time with Jennifer's family, my family and all our friends. It is nice to be home as it were.

But alas, we are not home for long. Next Wednesday, we depart for Australia. Yes, you read correct, Australia. See, I have to go to Australia for meetings. We have clients there. Now, Jennifer's sisters also live in Sydney. So it would seem silly for me to travel to Australia without taking the girls for the trip. So.... we are off to the southern continent next week for a two week trip. We fly through Vancouver, then off to Sydney with a fuel stop in Hawaii. From there, I fly to Brisbane while the girls hang out with the southern family.

Look for more pics in Flickr... baby is going to have a serious collection of stamps in the passport.


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