denver hockey 3
800 mile drive from Las Vegas to Denver for our only day off. We arrive at the hotel at 4PM, What do we do? Go to the hockey game! Our industry revolves around comp tickets. We trade them like young kids trade baseball cards or heroclicks! The GM of the building asked me if there was anything he could do for us since we sold out his venue and I responded with tickets for hockey the night before please! We were given 20 tickets for our own use. Most people were tired and stayed in the hotel, 5 adventurious souls headed out for some fun at the game. Expensive beer notwithstanding (I only wanted one or two anyways), we had a great time. And it was nice to see the home team beat the stanley cup champions!!!
The game was over at 10:30PM and by 7:30AM we would be in the same building unloading our 8 semi trucks. They will changeover and clean the building in 8 hours. Impressive!
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