Sunday, March 26, 2006

Looking for the kick!

Every now and then, Jennifer calls from the other room, "Quick, come Quick!" I know what it is, so I come as soon as she calls.
When I get there, she directs my hand to the right place. We pause for a few moments, quietly waiting as she holds my hand under hers.

"Did you feel that?" she asks..

"No, I missed it." I reply, a little sad, but still patient.

" Wait for a minute, he will do it again."

I keep my hand on her belly for another few moments, till finally I accept that I cannot quite feel the baby kicking its legs as it plays around.

Any day now I will meet my new child through tactile touch, and I am very excited about it. I have seen the baby at the ultrasound, peering into his/her little world of movement and thumb sucking. The next step though will be much more personal.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The move is coming along....

Hello everyone (anyone)....

I thought I would bring this blog up to speed on what is going on out here in our world. It seems that every time I look at the blog, I find another reason to not sit down and actually do an entry. Mostly it has been because we are hell bent on being the busiest couple on the face of the planet, but over the last few days our lives have slowed down considerably. Let me tell the story in short form from when we got back from Australia.

We returned from OZ the 12th of Feb. We are moving from the big city to a smaller city near the coast, and we needed to sell our place. Plans were to get the house on the market ASAP as we wanted to get in 0n the best selling weeks of the real estate year in our area. We worked like mad fools, re-painting, fixing, finishing and staging. We rented storage containers to contain our abundance of extra stuff that we own. We went to modern neutral colors in the house and fixed all the little things that were wrong. Examples would be that we changed the grout in the backsplash in the kitchen to match the paint, we changed the door knobs to all brushed steel so that they looked modern... etc....

Once the house was made to look uncluttered and stylish, we waited for our estate agent to get it up and running. All our 18 hour days paid off and we sold the house in a day and a half with multiple bids.

Meanwhile, Jennifer and I drove 1600KM away to our new city to look at houses there. We spent 4 panicked days with our real estate agents looking at too many houses in person and online. At 9PM on the 4th day, we had ourselves a provisional deal. We then went to visit relatives for 36 hours before returning for the house inspection. We then drove 1400 KMs to our siblings house and we have been here ever since.

Since getting here, we have been ensconced in family time. We have been to a few dinners with family and friends and this afternoon we are taking our niece bowling. Tomorrow we leave for our sold home to spend a month getting ready to move.

It has been busy for the last month.. . I am actually looking forward to just working in the office and hanging at home with wife and soon to be child. The best part is that when we return to the house, it will be spotless clean and organized from when we staged it for the open house.

It is nice to slow down for a while.....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Trying to keep up...

Ok, we are flying now. On our last post, I was commenting that we were going crazy with renos on our house and preparation to sell. Since then, we got our house on the market on a Friday, started viewings Saturday and started to accept offers Sunday. At the same time, Jennifer and I were driving to Halifax to start looking at houses as well.

On Monday we had two buyers in a bidding contest for our house. By Monday night, we sold our place for 99.8% of our asking price. We are now homeless, though we do own a lot of nice appliances.

If you would like to see our house that we sold, go here:

At the top, you can enter an MLS number, ours is: w849032

I am not sure how long this will stay up, but you can peek into our place and lifestyle if you are curious.

We are now buried into looking at places we can nest in. So far we have looked at 5 unacceptable houses, driven by at least 20 and are growing despondent that we will not be able to find our little slice of paradise.

I hope we find something that can at least suffice temporarily, as our in-laws have already booked to fly here this summer from the UK. And more importantly, the baby is due in July. Need to move soon!!!!